The recent settlement between the National Association of...
Probate Resources Blog
November 2024 RE Market
Despite recent tech layoffs and the rise of remote work …
Seniors Help Heirs by Decluttering
Decluttering has become increasingly important.
Changing Law for Small Estates
Important Changes for Handling Real Property in Estates
Trust v Will when Selling a Home
Selling a property differs from a will going through probate or being held in a living trust.
Post-NAR MLS Rules for Commissions
Written Buyer Representation Agreements Are Required Before Showing a Home to a Buyer
Full-Service Estate Sale Liquidation
A full-service estate sale liquidation company offers a comprehensive range of services.
August 2024 – National New Home Sales are Up
New single-family homes increased 10.6% in July.
EstateExec – A Tool for Estate Admins
EstateExec helps simplify the often complex and time-consuming process of estate administration.
Grieving while a Personal Rep
When navigating estate responsibilities while grieving, it’s crucial to avoid certain behaviors..
Marin Aging and Adult Services
If you’re a senior looking for services, a caregiver seeking support, or interested in advocacy …
Who Can File for Probate
Succession prioirity in probate is determined by the closeness of the familial relationship.
Handling Digital Assets
Some people hold significant assets in online accounts, digital currencies, and virtual properties.
Writing a Will Without a Lawyer
Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you write a will independently.
Grief is a Journey
Each individual’s journey through grief is unique; what remains crucial is the availability of support.
Personal Rep Risks
A personal representative faces several legal and financial risks when managing an estate.
Death and Taxes
Taxes are a critical aspect of estate administration that executors must address with priority.
Jump Start your Executor Duties
The responsibility of managing probate and estate matters can be overwhelming.
The Benefits of Downsizing
One of the most significant benefits of downsizing is the potential for financial savings.
The Blended Family Feud
I often encounter challenging family dynamics, especially in blended families.
Dealing with Personal Property
One of the most daunting tasks is deciding what to do with personal belongings.
Investing Inherited Wealth
Sudden inherited wealth can be both exciting and overwhelming.
Sonoma Probate Court Practices
The Probate Court encompasses a broad range of supervisory and protective proceedings.
Handling a Decedent’s Mail
When someone dies, the mail doesn’t stop. The bills keep on coming. Magazines continue.
Dealing with a Loved One’s Estate
Losing a loved one is challenging enough without figuring out how to transfer the deceased’s property,
Finance Legal & Estate Expenses
Scrivnr helps isolate the process’s legal needs and provides the most cost-effective way to deliver them.
Inheriting an Occupied Home
Inheriting a home can be emotionally charged, especially when a family member who doesn’t want to move is living there.
Navigating Grief in Probate
A probate real estate transaction is an emotional journey, especially with the complexities of loss.
I’m the Personal Representative. Now What?
Navigating the complexities of managing an estate in probate is no small feat.
An Unspoken Rite of Financial Passage
Dealing with the death of a parent … or of any loved one … is life’s “unspoken rite of financial passage”.
Lose the Smell Before You Sell
A strange smell registers a subconscious impression before any visual beautification effort with potential buyers.
Preparing for a Court Hearing
Navigating probate can be challenging, particularly when preparing for a probate court hearing related to real estate.
What is a Probate Bond?
Probate bonds ensure that executors and administrators act in the estate’s best interests.
Living Trusts with Homes
As a homeowner, managing your assets effectively is crucial for planning the transfer of your estate, is a living trust
What challenges does a PR face?
Probate administrators and executors face several significant challenges.
Liquidating Personal Property
Smaller estates might opt for a DIY approach like a garage or yard sales.
Anyone can Draft their own Will
There are various kits and online resources available for creating a will.
Dispute Resolution for Estates
As families try to sort out the estate, individual expectations arise, relationship dynamics reprise, and it’s emotional.
Top Renovations for Probate Properties
Strategic renovations can significantly enhance the appeal and market value of a property.
Seniors Help Heirs by Decluttering
Decluttering has become increasingly important.
Grieving while a Personal Rep
When navigating estate responsibilities while grieving, it’s crucial to avoid certain behaviors..
Marin Aging and Adult Services
If you’re a senior looking for services, a caregiver seeking support, or interested in advocacy …
Who Can File for Probate
Succession prioirity in probate is determined by the closeness of the familial relationship.
Writing a Will Without a Lawyer
Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you write a will independently.
Grief is a Journey
Each individual’s journey through grief is unique; what remains crucial is the availability of support.
The Benefits of Downsizing
One of the most significant benefits of downsizing is the potential for financial savings.
The Blended Family Feud
I often encounter challenging family dynamics, especially in blended families.
Dealing with Personal Property
One of the most daunting tasks is deciding what to do with personal belongings.
Dealing with a Loved One’s Estate
Losing a loved one is challenging enough without figuring out how to transfer the deceased’s property,
Inheriting an Occupied Home
Inheriting a home can be emotionally charged, especially when a family member who doesn’t want to move is living there.
Navigating Grief in Probate
A probate real estate transaction is an emotional journey, especially with the complexities of loss.
Living Trusts with Homes
As a homeowner, managing your assets effectively is crucial for planning the transfer of your estate, is a living trust
Anyone can Draft their own Will
There are various kits and online resources available for creating a will.
Dispute Resolution for Estates
As families try to sort out the estate, individual expectations arise, relationship dynamics reprise, and it’s emotional.
EstateExec – A Tool for Estate Admins
EstateExec helps simplify the often complex and time-consuming process of estate administration.
Marin Aging and Adult Services
If you’re a senior looking for services, a caregiver seeking support, or interested in advocacy …
Death and Taxes
Taxes are a critical aspect of estate administration that executors must address with priority.
Investing Inherited Wealth
Sudden inherited wealth can be both exciting and overwhelming.
Finance Legal & Estate Expenses
Scrivnr helps isolate the process’s legal needs and provides the most cost-effective way to deliver them.
An Unspoken Rite of Financial Passage
Dealing with the death of a parent … or of any loved one … is life’s “unspoken rite of financial passage”.
What is a Probate Bond?
Probate bonds ensure that executors and administrators act in the estate’s best interests.
New Rules Regarding Real Estate Commissions
The recent settlement between the National Association of...
Changing Law for Small Estates
Important Changes for Handling Real Property in Estates
Trust v Will when Selling a Home
Selling a property differs from a will going through probate or being held in a living trust.
Who Can File for Probate
Succession prioirity in probate is determined by the closeness of the familial relationship.
Writing a Will Without a Lawyer
Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you write a will independently.
Personal Rep Risks
A personal representative faces several legal and financial risks when managing an estate.
The Blended Family Feud
I often encounter challenging family dynamics, especially in blended families.
Sonoma Probate Court Practices
The Probate Court encompasses a broad range of supervisory and protective proceedings.
Preparing for a Court Hearing
Navigating probate can be challenging, particularly when preparing for a probate court hearing related to real estate.
What is a Probate Bond?
Probate bonds ensure that executors and administrators act in the estate’s best interests.
What challenges does a PR face?
Probate administrators and executors face several significant challenges.
Anyone can Draft their own Will
There are various kits and online resources available for creating a will.
Dispute Resolution for Estates
As families try to sort out the estate, individual expectations arise, relationship dynamics reprise, and it’s emotional.
EstateExec – A Tool for Estate Admins
EstateExec helps simplify the often complex and time-consuming process of estate administration.
Grieving while a Personal Rep
When navigating estate responsibilities while grieving, it’s crucial to avoid certain behaviors..
Handling Digital Assets
Some people hold significant assets in online accounts, digital currencies, and virtual properties.
Death and Taxes
Taxes are a critical aspect of estate administration that executors must address with priority.
Jump Start your Executor Duties
The responsibility of managing probate and estate matters can be overwhelming.
Handling a Decedent’s Mail
When someone dies, the mail doesn’t stop. The bills keep on coming. Magazines continue.
Dealing with a Loved One’s Estate
Losing a loved one is challenging enough without figuring out how to transfer the deceased’s property,
Finance Legal & Estate Expenses
Scrivnr helps isolate the process’s legal needs and provides the most cost-effective way to deliver them.
I’m the Personal Representative. Now What?
Navigating the complexities of managing an estate in probate is no small feat.
An Unspoken Rite of Financial Passage
Dealing with the death of a parent … or of any loved one … is life’s “unspoken rite of financial passage”.
Preparing for a Court Hearing
Navigating probate can be challenging, particularly when preparing for a probate court hearing related to real estate.
What challenges does a PR face?
Probate administrators and executors face several significant challenges.
Seniors Help Heirs by Decluttering
Decluttering has become increasingly important.
Changing Law for Small Estates
Important Changes for Handling Real Property in Estates
Trust v Will when Selling a Home
Selling a property differs from a will going through probate or being held in a living trust.
Post-NAR MLS Rules for Commissions
Written Buyer Representation Agreements Are Required Before Showing a Home to a Buyer
Full-Service Estate Sale Liquidation
A full-service estate sale liquidation company offers a comprehensive range of services.
Handling Digital Assets
Some people hold significant assets in online accounts, digital currencies, and virtual properties.
Jump Start your Executor Duties
The responsibility of managing probate and estate matters can be overwhelming.
The Benefits of Downsizing
One of the most significant benefits of downsizing is the potential for financial savings.
Dealing with Personal Property
One of the most daunting tasks is deciding what to do with personal belongings.
Investing Inherited Wealth
Sudden inherited wealth can be both exciting and overwhelming.
Inheriting an Occupied Home
Inheriting a home can be emotionally charged, especially when a family member who doesn’t want to move is living there.
I’m the Personal Representative. Now What?
Navigating the complexities of managing an estate in probate is no small feat.
Lose the Smell Before You Sell
A strange smell registers a subconscious impression before any visual beautification effort with potential buyers.
Living Trusts with Homes
As a homeowner, managing your assets effectively is crucial for planning the transfer of your estate, is a living trust
Liquidating Personal Property
Smaller estates might opt for a DIY approach like a garage or yard sales.
Top Renovations for Probate Properties
Strategic renovations can significantly enhance the appeal and market value of a property.
New Rules Regarding Real Estate Commissions
The recent settlement between the National Association of...
November 2024 RE Market
Despite recent tech layoffs and the rise of remote work …
Post-NAR MLS Rules for Commissions
Written Buyer Representation Agreements Are Required Before Showing a Home to a Buyer
August 2024 – National New Home Sales are Up
New single-family homes increased 10.6% in July.