EstateExec – A Tool for Estate Admins

Taking on the role of estate executor or personal representative can be overwhelming. Executors are responsible for navigating the probate process, identifying and managing assets, paying outstanding debts, and ensuring that all legal and financial obligations are met. EstateExec is an online app designed to assist executors in managing these responsibilities more efficiently and accurately.

What EstateExec Offers

EstateExec provides a comprehensive suite of tools that help executors stay organized and follow the correct legal procedures. The app is compatible with all major web browsers and offers a user-friendly interface that guides users through each step of the estate administration process. Some of the key features include:

 Educational Resources: EstateExec offers detailed educational materials to help users understand the complexities of estate administration. These include guides on probate procedures, asset distribution, and tax obligations.

Task Management: The app includes checklists and a timeline that organizes tasks by week, month, and year. Executors can track duties such as resolving debts, filing taxes, and distributing assets, ensuring nothing is overlooked.

Asset and Debt Tracking: Executors can record and manage all estate assets, including real estate, bank accounts, and personal property. The app also tracks debts, helping executors accurately account what is owed and paid.

Calculating executor compensation can be complex, but EstateExec simplifies this process by automatically computing it based on California’s legal limits..

Getting Started with EstateExec

Starting with EstateExec is straightforward. Users create an account and answer basic questions about the deceased and the state of residence. The app then provides a video overview to help users navigate the system and start entering relevant information.

Key Features

Tasks: A checklist of all duties, with due dates and notes, helps executors stay on top of their responsibilities.

Executor Tools: Includes expenses, mileage logs, and a tool for calculating compensation.

Assets and Debts: This software can track the value of assets, record sales and distributions, and keep an accurate list of debts.

Cash Flow Management: Provides a checkbook register to track transactions, deposits, and withdrawals related to the estate’s checking account.

Costs and Accessibility

As a potential executor, I recognize the considerable challenges and responsibilities of the role. 

I am well-equipped to provide comprehensive support beyond real estate transactions. By establishing a proficient team of legal advisors, financial experts, and administrative staff, I aim to offer professional assistance catering to your needs. Additionally, I can introduce you to EstateExec, a leading online solution for estate executors. 

This platform furnishes user-friendly, step-by-step guidance for estate settlement and automates the estate accounting process. Please commence a complimentary trial today. 

Should you choose to engage with me, I am prepared to seamlessly transition your trial to a fully paid subscription, leveraging EstateExec’s extensive capabilities. 

With the leading online software for estate executors, EstateExec, I can provide you with easy-to-use step-by-step guidance for settling your specific estate and automated estate accounting.   

You can create a free trial today, and if you decide to work with me, I’ll convert your trial into a fully paid version.  

I’ve also assembled a talented professional team for most inheritance situations. You’ll get the support you need. We aim to make you feel secure and well-cared for during the estate settlement. 


EstateExec is a valuable tool for anyone taking on the estate executor or personal representative role. By offering structured guidance, comprehensive tracking, and educational resources, EstateExec helps simplify the often complex and time-consuming process of estate administration. Whether you’re a first-time executor or have experience in this role, EstateExec can provide the support you need to manage your responsibilities effectively.