Dealing with Personal Property

A Guide to Making Thoughtful Decisions and Honoring Memories

As a real estate agent specializing in probate transactions, I often work with clients who are navigating the challenging and emotional process of handling a loved one’s estate. One of the most daunting tasks during this time is deciding what to do with personal belongings. It’s more than just sorting through items; it’s about honoring memories, managing emotions, and making practical decisions.

Here are some tips and insights to help you thoughtfully navigate this process:

  1. Start with a Plan and Take Your Time

The first step in handling a loved one’s belongings is to create a plan. This plan should outline the steps you’ll take, from identifying sentimental items to deciding what to keep, donate, sell, or discard. Remember, this process doesn’t need to be rushed. Allow yourself time to process emotions and make thoughtful decisions.

  1. Involve Family Members and Communicate

If you’re handling an estate with other family members, open communication is key. Involve everyone in the decision-making process, especially when it comes to sentimental items. This not only ensures that everyone feels included but also helps avoid misunderstandings or conflicts.

  1. Categorize Items: Keep, Donate, Sell, Toss

To simplify the sorting process, categorize items into four main groups: Keep, Donate, Sell, and Toss. Here’s a brief guide on how to approach each category:

  • Keep: These are items with significant sentimental value or practical use. Be mindful of what you choose to keep; too many items can lead to clutter.
  • Donate: Consider donating useful items that aren’t personally meaningful to charities. This can be a meaningful way to honor your loved one’s memory and help others.
  • Sell: Some items may have monetary value. Consider holding a yard sale or using online platforms to sell them. The proceeds can be used in ways that honor your loved one, such as donating to a cause they cared about.
  • Toss: It’s okay to let go of items that have no sentimental or practical value. If you’re unsure, consider putting them aside for a period. If you don’t think about them later, it may be time to let them go.
  1. Creative Ways to Commemorate Loved Ones

You don’t need to keep everything to preserve your loved one’s memory. Here are some creative ways to commemorate them without holding onto too much:

  • Create a Memory Box: Select a few small, meaningful items and place them in a memory box. This could include photographs, letters, or small personal items.
  • Repurpose Belongings: Transform items into something new. For example, turn a collection of old t-shirts into a quilt or repurpose jewelry into new pieces.
  • Digital Archives: Scan photos, letters, and important documents to create a digital archive. This allows you to preserve memories without physical clutter.
  • Memory Wall: Create a dedicated space in your home to display a few cherished photos or items. This can be a comforting way to keep their memory alive without overwhelming your space.
  1. Seek Professional Help if Needed

If the process feels overwhelming, consider seeking professional help. Estate clean-out services, appraisers, and real estate professionals can provide valuable assistance, ensuring that everything is handled efficiently and respectfully.

  1. Give Yourself Grace

Lastly, remember to give yourself grace during this process. It’s okay to feel a range of emotions and to take breaks when needed. Clearing out a loved one’s belongings is a significant emotional task, and it’s important to be kind to yourself.


Cleaning out personal property after a loved one passes away is a deeply personal and often emotional journey. It’s about more than just decluttering; it’s about honoring a legacy and finding a balance between preserving memories and moving forward. By approaching this task with a plan, involving family, and being thoughtful in your decisions, you can navigate this process in a way that feels respectful and meaningful.

As a probate real estate specialist, I’m here to support you through every step of this journey. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we can ensure that your loved one’s legacy is honored and that your path forward is as smooth as possible.